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TrustRadius is a review platform with 447,000 reviews & ratings from 100% verified users. Their reviews empower buyers to make informed decisions, but they are also a goldmine for vendors who want to authentically engage prospects.

ShoutOut is invaluable for our user generated content - it's a lifechanger
Caleb Fortune, Video Content Specialist, TrustRadius
It's wild what it let's us achieve
Caleb Fortune

Shoutout Solution

ShoutOut allows you to capture the authentic voice of your customers anytime, anyplace, anywhere. By simply sending out a link, QR code or embedding a widget you can capture authentic video reviews and testimonials quickly and easily. Trust Radius added custom video review buttons to the product pages on their site to enable customers to produce video reviews quickly and easily via their smartphone or computer. Using ShoutOut's Q&A video feature, customers are able to answer multiple questions to provide a comprehensive video review. ShoutOut creates these finished video reviews automatically ready to share and add to the Trust Radius product pages


'Using Shoutout allows us to send out a link to our users and they can self record their reviews answering short or long questions- this is invaluable to us. It has completely changed our workflow and it is wild what it lets us achieve. It's a life changer. Authentic video reviews are a gamechanger in the review space. Being able to see the faces of happy customers and read their body language adds another level to the review and testimonial process. With ShoutOut any review platform can enable video reviews quickly, cheaply and easily'